
EPA probes Addu City Council over cutting down trees

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated it has begun an investigation on Addu City Council after it received public complaints regarding coconut trees that were cut down on the link road in Addu City.

Complaints were made after the Addu City Council cut down over 50 coconut trees on the link road. Many residents and environmentalists have expressed disapproval of the decision, as the trees were considered part of the landmark in the area.

EPA stated it will investigate whether the trees were cut down in accordance with the established rules and regulations. Addu City Council stated that the trees were cut down after receiving approval from EPA in order to minimise the risk of dangerous incidents that could occur due to the presence of the trees on the road. However, the regulations say authorities can only cut down full-grown trees for essential or high-priority work.

Addu City has been designated a biosphere reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and reports indicate that many of the coconut trees were planted when the British Royal Air Force (RAF) base was established in the city.