
BML to distribute USD2.27 per share as final dividend

The Directors Board of the Bank of Maldives (BML) has decided to distribute USD2.27 per share as the final dividend for 2021.

BML stated a total of USD12.2 million will be distributed as a final dividend at a rate of USD2.27 per share, along with USD4.5 million as an interim dividend at a rate of USD0.84 per share, as per the decision of the Board of Directors. BML said the final dividend will be distributed after approving the amounts at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Dividends will be distributed to shareholders registered before April 10.

The dividend passed for 2021 would be the highest dividend to be distributed to shareholders in the history of BML. In 2020, BML distributed USD5.2 million as the final dividend, at a rate of USD0.97 per share.