
President establishes task force to address social issues

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated that a task force had been established to address the country's social issues. He made the statement during a meeting with members of the Fuvahmulah City Council and the Women’s Development Committee (WDC).

At the meeting, the council members conveyed the needs and concerns of the populace and discussed measures to expedite ongoing and planned socio-economic development initiatives. They requested President Solih to facilitate a way for the council to obtain the funding required to carry out necessary actions while the city's new roads were being constructed. They also sought a mechanism to include their input in the final design of the housing units to be developed in the city.

During the meeting, the council members also discussed the city's societal issues and requested assistance in obtaining the funds needed to complete the city master plan. In addition, the members of the WDC deliberated the requirements for development in the city which included improving healthcare services.

At the meeting, President Solih informed the councillors that their input would be taken into account when the housing project is being finalised, along with their suggestions for road development. The president highlighted how a task force had been established to address the country's social issues and assured the councillors that he would communicate with the relevant ministries in an effort to address and find appropriate solutions to the issues that were raised.

Following the meeting, President Solih and First Lady Fazna visited the harbour and the coastal erosion site in Fuvahmulah. The government is currently working on the coastal protection of the area via MT Hojgaard Private Limited. The project is worth USD20 million and encompasses the construction of 2,650m of coastline protection walls from the northern side of the harbour to the east of the island. The president has announced the harbour expansion project survey would be awarded to the previous contractors.

Furthermore, President Solih and First Lady Fazna went on to tour the worksite of the road development project, which is being undertaken by Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC). The state-owned enterprise would be overseeing the construction of the roads with adequate stormwater drainage systems, along with street lamps to fully complete the new roads. They also visited the Fuvahmulah City Hospital where renovation was taking place at the laboratory services.

Fuvahmulah City is the first stop of the four-day trip undertaken by President Solih and First Lady Fazna to the southernmost cities. They are accompanied by a delegation of cabinet ministers and senior officials from the government.