
Vice President urges youth to pursue a career path early in life

Vice President Faisal Naseem has urged the youth to strive to serve their nation by pursuing a career path early in life. He made the appeal while speaking to students at the Colours Awards 2019-2020 ceremony.

In his remarks, Vice President Naseem shed light on the breakfast programme initiated by the administration. Underscoring the programme's success, the vice president stated it had helped students immensely and that the government prioritises the physical and mental well-being of students above all.

Reflecting on personal experience, the vice president stated that being active in sports as a student early on had helped him to better understand life and that the lessons learned during that time had been useful later in life. He further emphasised the importance and benefits of exercise and maintaining an active lifestyle for students.

During the ceremony, Vice President Naseem presented the trophies and certificates to the winners of the Colours Awards 2019-2020. The Colours Award was introduced by the Ministry of Education to recognise the achievements of students in sports.