
Traffic issues caused delays in transporting water bottles

Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) has stated that traffic issues had caused delays in transporting water bottles in Male’ City during the first two days of the month of Ramadan.

Speaking to PSM News, Managing Director Hassan Shah said the changes made to the traffic flow in Male’ City for Ramadan had caused delays in bringing out the company vehicles for transport, adding that other companies had also dealt with the same issue during the first two days of Ramadan.

However, Managing Director Shah assured that MWSC has held discussions with the relevant government authorities and there will no longer be any issues in the transport of water bottles. He detailed that the new policies of the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation for the transport of goods during Ramadan allow MWSC vehicles to deliver water bottles at all times, except between 1630hrs to 2000hrs.

Furthermore, Managing Director Shah said MWSC has adequate stock of water bottles for the month of Ramadan and that the company has been able to reliably transport water bottles to shops, cafes, and restaurants but has found it difficult to transport water bottles to households. He asked residents to purchase water bottles from nearby shops as an alternative to receiving bottles directly from MWSC.