
Five schools to be selected for AgroNat gardening programme

Agro National Corporation (AgroNat) has opened proposal submissions for its school gardening programme.

AgroNat's school gardening programme is designed to interest students in agriculture. The school gardening programme is now being successfully conducted at Kandoodhoo School in Thaa Atoll. The programme was launched in conjunction with Agriculture Day 2021. As part of the programme, lettuce, okra and cucumber are grown in the school.

AgroNat has now opened the opportunity to submit proposals for the school gardening programme. The deadline for submission of proposals is July 21. AgroNat said five schools will be selected for the programme this year.

AgroNat said the schools should describe how the programme will be conducted and monitored when submitting proposals. The school's involvement, the extent to which students will be involved, and the school's plan for the sustainability of the programme should be included, AgroNat added.

AgroNat stated the programme will focus on conducting a gardening programme that will involve as many students as possible.