
MIRA records an income of USD151 million in June

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has recorded an income of USD151 million in June.

The income generated in June was 95.1% higher compared to the income generated in June last year, as per the statistics published by MIRA. It was also 74.1% higher than the projected income for June.

MIRA attributed the increased income in June to the increase in Income Tax generated from banks and businesses. As such, MIRA revealed Income Tax contributed USD55.2 million of the income generated in June.

Meanwhile, Goods and Services Tax (GST) contributed USD39.6 million to MIRA’s income for June. The authority also collected USD27.3 million as Tourism Land Rent, USD10 million as Land Acquisition and Conversion Fee, USD4.6 million in Green Tax and USD14.5 million in other taxes and fees.