The Education Sector Research Group has recommended the government to introduce a fixed “teacher allowance” as compensation for work done by teachers outside official duty hours. The research group made the recommendation in its report on identifying issues facing teachers in the education sector.
The report highlighted the importance of providing suitable compensation packages in order to retain teachers in the education sector. The report noted capping overtime allowances at 10% and preventing teachers from taking on two jobs obstructs teachers from earning a suitable income and discourages individuals from becoming teachers.
The report further highlighted the difficulties in allocating overtime for teachers, as their work is not confined to the hours spent in a classroom on a daily basis. Therefore, the report stated it is important that fair and just rates are established to issue overtime pay for teachers. As a possible solution, the report recommended the introduction of a fixed teacher allowance for work done by teachers outside regular hours.
Furthermore, the report included a recommendation to revise the risk allowance policies to ensure the allowance is distributed fairly. The report also included a recommendation to release the hold on non-practice allowance for technical professionals in the education sector.