
Fines to be issued to fishing vessels unlawfully employing expats

Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture has begun preparations to issue fines to fishing vessels that are unlawfully employing expatriates.

The general fisheries regulations of the Maldives were revised to allow up to two expatriates to work in a fishing vessel, without being directly involved in fishing. The fisheries regulations stated that a maximum of two foreigners are allowed to work on fishing boats, and foreigners are allocated quotas to maintain security and work as cooks or cleaners on the vessels. Owners and captains of fishing vessels that violate the regulations will be fined a minimum of USD326.

Speaking to PSM News, Director Ahmed Shifaz noted that many fishing vessels are unlawfully employing foreign crewmen but that the ministry has yet to take any action against them. He said that the current work is focused on advising the owners of the vessels and providing information on the regulations.

Additionally, Director Shifaz advised fishing vessels to take this opportunity to improve their conduct, as the fisheries ministry will soon be inspecting the vessels and taking action accordingly. He said that fishing vessels will be issued USD326 for each foreign worker they are unlawfully employing and that the case will be sent to court if the fine is not paid within 30 days. He added that the fishing license will be revoked if vessels have neglected to pay any of their fines.

Statistics from the fisheries ministry show that 17,000 fishermen and 750 fishing vessels are operating in the Maldives.