
Gov't agencies working to overcome challenges from climate change

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has revealed that the administration and all of its agencies are now collectively working towards overcoming the challenges posed by climate change. He made the statement during a session of the third Viavathi Raajje conference.

During the session, President Solih addressed the effects and consequences of climate change in the Maldives and other parts of the world. The president said that climate change is the most serious global threat, and that public opinion on the subject is shifting. He asserted that climate change affects everyone around the world, regardless of nation size, and emphasised the importance of working together to address this imminent threat.

Also at the session, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology Aminath Shauna provided participants with updates on the administration's efforts to protect the environment and mitigate the effects of climate change. The participants were also given the opportunity to discuss with the panel the issues highlighted during the Fanoalla Dharubaaru, which took place prior to the conference.

President Solih and Minister Shauna were joined on the panel by Minister of Finance Ahmed Ameer, Minister of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Mohamed Aslam and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Hisaan Hassan.

Over 270 individuals are participating in the Viavathi Raajje conference, along with 107 council members and women’s development committee (WDC) representatives. The third conference of Viavathi Raajje was held for the southern atolls of the Maldives.