
AgroNat introduces Community Farming in Kaashidhoo

Agro National Corporation (AgroNat) has introduced community farming in Kaashidhoo, Kaafu Atoll. The initiative was introduced during special activities held to mark World Food Day and Farmers' Day in Kaashidhoo.

Community farming is a brand new concept for the Maldives. The concept will establish technology-assisted farming methods including vertical farming and irrigation systems.

Speaking to PSM News, Managing Director of AgroNat Haroon Rasheed said community farming will be introduced in islands with huge land areas by identifying 100,000 acres of islands and preparing the sites.

After preparing sites, AgroNat will establish technology-assisted farming methods. The corporation said the field must be powered by solar energy in order to conduct community farming in a sustainable manner.

AgroNat was established by the government to market agricultural produce from local farms and provide a better income for farmers. The corporation has established contracts with farmers for various different types of fruits and vegetables. AgroNat is providing technical and financial assistance to local farmers to produce the items and helps them to market their produce.

AgroNat said the main aim of community farming is to expand farming in the Maldives and to provide opportunities for everyone.