
Solar panels being installed on Hulhule’-Hulhumale’ link road

Thailand-based Ensys Company Limited has begun installing a 5MW solar power system on the Hulhule’-Hulhumale’ link road.

Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology hired Ensys for the project in 2020. The installation of the solar power system is financed by the World Bank under the Accelerating Sustainable Private Investment in Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) initiative. The project is the largest initiative in the Maldives under the second phase of ASPIRE. Ensys will also be tasked with maintaining the solar system.

The project was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic which caused issues in procuring the necessary equipment and resources. The other reason for the delay was the ongoing work on the highway. However, workers are now building steel structures to install the solar power system on the vacant area in the middle of the link road and the side facing the beach. The ministry stated that the solar system will be connected to the power grid of State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) in 2023.

The solar power system is expected to significantly decrease the reliance on oil and allow the government to save USD1.3 million each year.