
Youth interest increasing in accounting sector: Auditor General

Auditor General Hussain Niyazi has stated that the number of young people is increasing in the accounting sector. He made the remarks while speaking at the opening ceremony of the Maldives Investment Forum 2022.

Speaking at the ceremony, Auditor General Niyazi, who is also the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Maldives (CA Maldives), said the efforts to develop the sector have increased the number of young people in accounting. He said CA Maldives has been working to maintain international standards in the sector as it is deeply embedded in every aspect of the country. As such, he highlighted that CA Maldives has become a member of the South Asia Federation of Accountants (SAFA).

Auditor General Niyazi detailed that the Ministry of Higher Education has offered 150 scholarship opportunities for the accounting sector, while the Ministry of Economic Development offered 190 scholarship opportunities, and that they have received 500 and 1,200 applications respectively. He said this was proof that there is a high level of interest in the accounting sector.

Maldives Accountants Forum is the largest for accounting professionals in the Maldives. The forum aims to train accounting professionals and promote the accounting profession. The forum is being held under the theme of Economic Transformation, Rethinking Growth in the New Economy. The event focuses on tourism, transportation, sustainable financing, and fisheries as well as challenges in many different industries. The forum is open to those working in the accounting and auditing departments of government ministries, and state-owned and private companies. It features technical sessions and panel discussions with international professional accounting organisations and local accounting professionals. These are verifiable Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions and as many members as possible are encouraged to attend these sessions.