
Gov’t hires contractor to build Kendhikulhudhoo junior college

The Ministry of Higher Education has contracted Villa Educational Services Private Limited to build and operate a junior college at Kendhikulhudhoo, Noonu Atoll. The agreement was signed by Permanent Secretary of the Higher Education Ministry Fathimath Hilmee and Vice-Rector of Villa Education Services Dr. Ali Najeeb.

Villa Education Services is tasked with building the junior college with student accommodation under a Finance and Operate Public Private Partnership model. The company is required to build the junior college within two years and three months and operate it for 50 years. The junior college in Kendhikulhudhoo will provide courses in tourism and hospitality as well as vocational courses.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Higher Education Dr. Ibrahim Hassan said the government has been anticipating the development of a junior college in Kendhikulhudhoo and that the project is a special priority in its manifesto. He expressed confidence the junior college will provide valuable teachings and training and expand employment prospects for graduates.

The junior college will be built on an 86,000sqft plot of land with special blocks for institutes and accommodations. The college will consist of six classrooms, a laboratory, and an auditorium, as well as a tourist facility. It will also include an administrative area, staff room, meeting room, study room, and activity centre.