
Maldives to develop innovative climate-smart solutions

Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology Aminath Shauna has inaugurated the Enterprise Development Programme.

The programme was launched by consulting firm FJS with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It aims to assist the drivers of the Maldivian economy such as agriculture, fisheries and tourism businesses developing innovative climate-smart solutions and adapting to anticipated climate impacts. It will assist a selected number of early-stage micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with innovative solutions for a climate-resilient Maldivian economy to transform into viable growth-oriented businesses.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Minister Shauna said small island states such as the Maldives are the most vulnerable to climate change. She said the country is already facing a variety of challenges due to climate change that is affecting inhabited islands as well as businesses such as resorts and guesthouses.

FJS stated SMEs in the Maldives face many challenges in light of climate resilience in the entrepreneurial world. As such, the programme consists of a comprehensive course that will address these challenges and enable businesses to develop a sustainable business model. It will also help businesses develop eco-friendly business ideas for climate adaptation, develop their business plan, provide networking opportunities and help them be ready to access the financing they need to grow their business.

FJS has opened applications to join the programme and interested businesses can register at the firm’s website. The programme will be held with assistance from the relevant government institutions.