
Almost 1,000 police officers trained in last four years

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has stated that almost 1,000 police officers have been trained in the last four years. He made the statement at the graduation ceremony of the Police Initial Training Course 34 held at the National College of Policing and Law Enforcement in Addu City.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Imran said that the Maldives Police Service (MPS) is undergoing improvements that were not seen in the previous 18 years. He said President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s pledge to establish a police presence in all inhabited islands is being fulfilled with the establishment of police desks, which is part of a revolutionary change to the police service. As such, he noted that the government plans to establish 61 police stations to expand peacekeeping efforts to the atolls.

Furthermore, Minister Imran highlighted the role of the National College of Policing and Law Enforcement in training a capable and modern police service. He noted the poor state of human resources and infrastructure in the country when the administration took office and how MPS had not met the minimum standards of a police service. He, however, said that the administration has been able to increase the number of police officers.

Additionally, Minister Imran highlighted that previously numerous police officers had to resign every time the government changes but that the administration has made successful efforts to build the capability of the MPS leadership. He also said that police officers have a responsibility to keep the peace and protect the rights of citizens. He advised all officers to prioritise making the MPS a modern and capable police service.