
Gov’t accepts proposals to facilitate Hajj pilgrimages

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has begun accepting proposals to facilitate Hajj pilgrimages this year.

The Islamic ministry stated that it will accept proposals submitted by companies that fulfill the criteria dictated in the regulation on facilitating pilgrimages. The relevant documents pertaining to the submission of proposals are available at the ministry’s website and the information meeting will be held on March 2, at the ministry’s building. Interested companies are required to submit their proposals by March 14.

As per the regulation established by the Islamic ministry for pilgrimages, only companies with 100% Maldivian ownership will be approved for organising pilgrimages. The companies are also required to have two years of experience in facilitating Umrah pilgrimages. The companies that request for permits to facilitate Hajj pilgrimages should not have any pending payments to the state such as debt or fines.

The ministry will issue permits to three companies to facilitate Hajj pilgrimages based on the points received during the evaluation. The government of Saudi Arabia allocates a quota of 1,000 Hajj pilgrims for the Maldives. Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Ahmed Zahir said the discussions are being made to increase the quota.

Each approved company will receive 90 pilgrims once they pay a registration fee of USD1,300. They will be required to facilitate their clients’ stay in Mina or their permit will be revoked.