
Maldives records 21.6% more tourist arrivals

The Maldives has recorded 555,537 tourist arrivals so far this year, which is a 21.6% increase compared to the same period last year.

Statistics from the Ministry of Tourism show that 555,537 tourist arrivals have been recorded as of April 5, which is a 21.6% increase compared to the 457,005 arrivals recorded in the same period in 2022. The statistics also show that an average of 5,848 tourists are arriving in the Maldives each day, which is an increase compared to the daily tourist visits recorded in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourists currently stay for an average of eight days in the Maldives.

The largest number of tourists visited from Russia with 68,102 arrivals, while 58,859 tourists visited from India, and 55،093 visited from the UK, 48,137 visited from Italy, and 41,489 visited from Germany. In addition, a total of 1,232 tourist establishments are open in the Maldives, consisting of 60,510 beds. They include resorts, hotels, guesthouses, and liveaboards.

The tourism ministry aims to record 1.9 million tourist visits this year, between last year’s record of 1.6 million visits.