
Determination of southern EEZ will not harm fisheries sector: Gov't

Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan has said that the delimitation of the southernmost Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) will not adversely affect the fishing sector in the Maldives.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Hassan looked into the benefits of the EEZ for fishermen. He said that the decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) on the case regarding the delimitation of the maritime boundary between the Maldives and the Chagos Archipelago would not have any impact on the fishermen or the fisheries sector.

Additionally, Minister Hassan said that there are no records that show that vessels have gone out to fish 200 nautical miles outside the country. As such, he said there will be no obstacle for Maldivian fishermen to fish in areas currently visited for fishing. He also said that foreign vessels will not be allowed to fish in the EEZ of the Maldives.

Furthermore, Minister Hassan said the issue of net fishing has increased and yellowfin tuna are still being caught in the Indian Ocean in excess amounts. He also said that the fishing of yellowfin tuna should be reduced by 22% to maintain the fish stock at a sustainable level.

ITLOS determined the area 142 nautical miles south of the Maldives as a sovereign territory of the country. In the past, some foreign vessels had entered and fished in the area and the Maldives could not take much action. However, no economic activities could be carried out in the EEZ without the permission of the government of the Maldives following the decision made by ITLOS.