
Maldives confident to receive duty exemption for fish exports

Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan has stated that there are many reasons behind the lack of benefits and development in the fisheries sector in the Maldives, including the rising fuel prices. He noted the efforts made to receive duty exemption for fish exports.

Speaking in an interview, Minister Hassan said the biggest concern for fishermen is the duty levied on fish exports, which prevents them from selling their catch at an adequate price. He also said that other countries do not have to pay any duty, while the duty on Maldivian products does not provide any real benefits to the fisheries sector in the Maldives.

Additionally, Minister Hassan said the government is making efforts to solve the problem of increased duty. He said discussions are underway with the European Union (European Union), and the United Kingdom (UK). In addition to the EU, negotiations are underway to seek duty concessions on fish exported to the UK. He also said that negotiations on a free trade agreement are underway.

Furthermore, Minister Hassan said the duty concessions would enable Maldivian products to compete with products of other countries and get a good place in the global market. He said the government is working to seek relief in duties and to make the fish exported from Maldives exportable by adding value or by producing additional products from the fish.

The Maldives was previously among the least developed countries and was receiving concessions in trade and other areas. The duty on fish exported from the Maldives to European countries was cut off.