
No complaints received that changes Binveriya list

The Gedhoruveriya Committee has revealed that it has so far received 600 complaints regarding the list of land plot recipients under the Binveriya housing scheme, but none of the complaints warranted any changes to the list.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister of State for Finance Anas Abdul Sattar addressed the concerns surrounding the applicants of the Binveriya scheme and the rumours circulating on social media. He assured that the relevant government agencies have thoroughly examined all necessary information regarding the applicants, including their ownership of other land plots, social housing, and inherited properties. He emphasised that the committee is well-informed about the assets of the applicants, and the preliminary list consists only of individuals who can provide satisfactory explanations to the committee.

Additionally, Senior Executive Director of the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Mohamed Arif said that 600 complaints have been received so far. He, however, clarified that these complaints were primarily requests for clarification rather than indicating any need for changes to the list. He further said that the committee is actively monitoring social media posts related to the preliminary list. He assured the public that, to date, the committee has not come across any substantial evidence validating the rumors circulating online.

The government will close the opportunity to submit complaints on July 15, after which it will evaluate the complaints and determine the extent to which the Binveriya scheme has solved the housing crisis in Male’. Many applicants have applied for the land plots on the condition that they relinquish their inherited land in Male’, allowing the plots to be divided among the remaining members of the family.

A total of 23,088 individuals submitted 15,164 applications for the Binveriyaa scheme, of which 19,858 individuals are eligible. The government has assured that all eligible applicants who applied for the first round of the Binveriyaa scheme will receive land plots.