
First group of Maldivian pilgrims return home

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has announced the safe return of the first group of Maldivian pilgrims who successfully completed the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. These pilgrims were part of the delegation organized by Al-Manasik Private Limited.

The ministry further informed that preparations have been made for the arrival of the second group of Maldivian pilgrims. This group has made their travel arrangements through Maldives Hajj Corporation Limited (MHCL) for their return journey back to the country.

For this year's Hajj, the Maldives was allocated a total of 1,000 quotas. Two-thirds of this quota has been assigned to MHCL, while the remaining portion has been divided among three other companies. MHCL is responsible for facilitating the travel of half of the Maldivian Hajj pilgrims, while the other half will be accommodated by the three designated companies. To ensure convenience and ease of travel for the pilgrims, each of the chosen companies has been allotted 90 slots.