
MPL unveils new brand

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has unveiled its new brand with a new logo and official colour.

MPL unveiled its new brand at MPL Staff Night 2023. This was the first time the company rebranded in its entire history.

Speaking at the event, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shahid Ali said MPL was re-branded and its 27 year old logo was changed to reflect the efforts being made to develop and modernise the company. He highlighted that many port services have been digitalised and that the company’s brand image should be changed as part of these efforts. He also reflected on the efforts of MPL to improve its corporate governance in the past four years.

MPL has also introduced new uniforms for employees, including mandatory vests for employees working in port operations. The uniforms are designed with high visibility in mind.

MPL was originally formed as Maldives Ports Authority (MPA) in 1986 as the sole operator of ports in the Maldives. MPA was corporatised as Maldives Ports Limited in 2008 as a 100% state owned company.