
MIB opens new business centre in Male' City

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has opened a new business centre in Male' City.

The new centre located in Marine Dream Building in Henveiru was opened by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MIB Mufaddal Idris Khumri.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Khumri said the centre will provide key services to both corporate and retail customers. He also said the bank will further expand business centres, branches and digital services in different parts of the country for the convenience of customers.

MIB stated that at the news centre, customers can collect cash cards, receive ATM services, and avail of services from a business lounge. The centre also has both MVR and USD ATMs. In addition, MIB said the centre will provide fast service as close to customers as possible. As such, the bank has relocated its Baazaaru Service Centre to the new centre.

MIB also presented a commemorative plaque to Maumoon during the opening of the centre.