
President inaugurates powerhouse and other projects in Bandidhoo

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has inaugurated the completion of an outdoor gym, a volleyball court, as well as a new powerhouse and office of Fenaka Corporation Limited in Bandidhoo, Dhaalu Atoll.

The newly developed Fenaka office in Bandidhoo is strategically located away from residential areas. It is a spacious and modern building that can accommodate 30 employees. President Solih also inaugurated the outdoor gym and volleyball court developed by the administration on the island.

The completion of the projects was inaugurated as part of President Solih's ongoing visit to the atoll. The administration has implemented various initiatives to provide modern football grounds, futsal fields, and sports courts throughout the atolls.

The efforts promote healthy and active lifestyles among young people while fostering local athletic talent development. By investing in state-of-the-art sporting infrastructure, the administration is demonstrating its commitment to supporting the growth and success of sports in the country.