
MTCC to build Fish Collection Centre Harbour in Ihavandhoo

Ministry of National Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure has contracted Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) to build a Fish Collection Centre Harbour in Ihavandhoo, Haa Alifu Atoll.

The agreement was signed by Chief Operating Officer (COO) of MTCC Shahid Hussain and Director General at the Planning Ministry Fathimath Shaana Farooq. MTCC is tasked with completing the project within 500 days at a cost of USD3.9 million.

The scope of works include 47,000cbm harbour basin dredging operations and harbor basin dredging operations of 3,000cbm. It also includes the construction of a 42m revetment, 129m sheet pile quay wall, 66m L block quay wall, bollards, v fenders, harbor lights and 3,437 sqm pavement.

The development of the Fish Collection Centre Harbour is expected to significantly increase the convenience of local fishermen by eliminating the need to travel to Male' or Felivaru to process fish. The local council noted that fishermen will also be able to save the cost of travel and that the project boost the local fishing industry, which a large number of young people are joining.