
Applications open for Phase 2 of Binveriya and Gedhoruveriya schemes

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has opened applications for the second phase of the Binveriya and Gedhoruveriya housing schemes. The second phase involves the provision of 4,000 land plots and 6,000 flats in the Greater Male' Region.

An area spanning 5.5 million square feet has been designated from Giraavaru Falhu and Uthuru Thila Falhu for the provision of land plots under the second phase of the Binveriya scheme, with the smallest plot consisting of 1,250sqft. In addition, 400sqft will be added to the land plot for each individual in a joint application. If more than seven individuals sign a joint application, they will receive a land plot with a maximum size of 4,000sqft.

The ministry will accept land plot applications from individuals over the age of 18 who have not received land plots under the first phase of the Binveriya scheme or the Veshi Fahi Male' programme. They are required to have lived in Male' for at least 20 years and not have registered in another area during this period. They should also not have a residential or private land plot or housing unit of at least 600sqft registered under their name. Those with any such property are required to agree to relinquish ownership. Applicants are also required to relinquish any part ownership of a land plot or housing unit.

Additionally, the ministry will accept applications for flats from individuals over the age of 18 who have not received flats from a previous social housing programme. They are required to have lived in Male' for 15 years. They should also not have ownership of a housing unit or land plot spanning at least 600sqft. Those with any such property are required to agree to relinquish ownership. In addition, they should not have sold a 600sqft unit in Male' in the last three years.

Applicants should also have a monthly income of below USD3,900. The deadline for application submission is 1500hrs on October 24, and interested individuals are only allowed to submit an application for one of the schemes.