
USD5 million from Zakat Fund spent on medical treatment

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has revealed that USD5 million from the Zakat Fund has been spent on medical treatment in the past five years.

The 2018-2023 report on the Islamic ministry shows that USD5.6 million from the Zakat Fund has been utilised to assist individuals in various circumstances in the past five years. Most of the expenditure went to providing medical treatment, amounting to USD5 million.

The report details that USD1 million was spent to assist 1,289 individuals seeking medical treatment in 2019. Around USD409,000 was spent to assist 288 individuals in 2020, USD752,000 was spent to assist 997 individuals in 2021 and USD1.4 million was spent to assist 2,030 individuals in 2022. Around USD811,000 was spent to assist 1,532 individuals as of August this year. The report shows that most people sought assistance for medical treatment in 2022, which were 3,562 individuals.

The Islamic ministry ustilised the Zakat Fund to assist individuals in various ways such as covering their hospital bills. The ministry paid the bills of nine individuals in 2019, seven individuals in 2020, 15 individuals in 2021, 16 individuals in 2022 and 26 individuals as of August this year.

The government also prioritises providing regular treatment for Thalassemia patients. USD597,000 from the Zakat Fund was utilised to provide bone marrow transplants for children with Thalassemia from 2019-2023,. Around USD234,000 of the fund was also used to provide scholarship opportunities to 30 students.

Moreover, the Zakat Fund was utilised to assist individuals facing financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The amount was disbursed to various ministries, including USD65,000 to the Ministry of Family, Gender and Social Services, USD97,000 to the Ministry of Home Affairs, USD195,000 to the Ministry of Education and USD2,000 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After disbursing Zakat payments to the poor and needy, the government deposits the remaining amount to the Zakat Fund. The fund is utilised in accordance with the set policies and recommendations from the Zakat committee. The fund is used to assist those in need of funding for medical treatment and education and is also used to renovate mosques and fund other projects related to public interest.