
MWSC completes Kamadhoo water and sewerage project

Male' Water and Sewerage Company Private Limited (MWSC) has completed the water and sewerage project in Kamadhoo, Baa Atoll.

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure awarded the project to MWSC on December 14, 2021, at a cost of USD3.7 million. The project was inaugurated by the Managing Director at MWSC Hassan Shah at a ceremony held in Kamadhoo.

As part of the project, MWSC conducted the construction of a water plant facility, the establishment of a water pipe network, and the connection of water supply to households. The water supply system also included the drilling of boreholes, laying of reject lines, and installation of water tanks for storage purposes. In addition, the sewerage system involved the installation of a sewerage main network, the laying of pumping lines, the construction of a sewerage administrative building, the establishment of a pumping station, and the installation of a sea outfall. It also included the provision of vehicles and water analysis equipment to support the ongoing operation and maintenance of the sewerage system.

The water and sewerage project aims to guarantee access to clean drinking water and a secure sewerage system for the residents of Kamadhoo. The project will address the longstanding concerns of residents regarding water pollution and the absence of reliable sewerage facilities.