
Gov't extends proposals to facilitate Umrah pilgrimages

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has extended the deadline to submit proposals to facilitate Umrah pilgrimages.

The ministry initially decided to accept proposals from October 8-24. However, the deadline has been extended to October 31 to allow more interested parties to submit proposals.

The ministry is accepting proposals submitted by companies that fulfill the criteria dictated in the regulation on facilitating Umrah pilgrimages. The relevant documents are available at the ministry's website and the proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked Request for Permission to Facilitate Travel for Umrah Pilgrimage.

The ministry has given permission to 41 companies to take people for Umrah pilgrimages. Of which, 12 companies will have their permits expire by November this year. Under the regulation, the ministry permits companies to facilitate Umrah pilgrimages for two years. Companies with expired permits have the opportunity to reapply for permits.