
Egypt to assist Maldives develop Islamic education

Egypt has engaged in discussions regarding the development of Islamic education in the Maldives. The discussions were held during a meeting between Ambassador of Egypt to the Maldives Maged Mosleh, a delegation from the Al-Azhar University and the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed said that the primary objective of the meeting was to explore potential areas of collaboration between the Maldives and Al-Azhar University and Islamic institutions in Egypt. A presentation detailing the areas of cooperation was delivered during the discussions. The Islamic ministry officials also provided details of its activities and strategic initiatives.

Additionally, Minister Shaheem requested the support of Al-Azhar University in developing the Supreme Council for Fatwa and the National Centre for the Holy Quran in the Maldives. He also highlighted the importance of training imams, imparting Arabic language skills to them, and upholding the principles of moderate Islamic practices in the Maldives.

In response, Ambassador Mosleh expressed his commitment to accepting all proposals put forth by the ministry. The discussions also encompassed arrangements for a visit by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to the Maldives.