
Gov’t to delegate housing allocation assessments to councils

Minister of Housing, Land, and Urban Development Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed has announced that the responsibility of assessing living conditions for the allocation of land plots and flats will be delegated to the councils.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Haidar highlighted the housing policies of the new administration, stressing the need for proper regulations in the allocation process. He expressed the importance of establishing a systematic approach that takes into consideration an individual's living conditions when awarding points to applicants. He said that eligibility for housing cannot solely rely on the information provided in application forms. He also said that the task of evaluating living conditions should be entrusted to the councils, the institutions closest to the public.

Additionally, Minister Haidar expressed the administration's intention to delegate the selection of individuals for land and flats to the councils. He highlighted that the councils, which are more familiar with the situations of the public, are better positioned to identify the most eligible applicants.

Furthermore, Minister Haidar rejected the notion that being the capital city exempts Male' from adhering to laws and regulations. He disclosed President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's intention is to empower the Male' City Council to oversee the allocation of land and flats, similar to the role of councils in the atolls.

The previous government had planned to provide housing to 13,000 eliglble applicants under the Gedhoruveriya Housing Scheme and had published a list of recipients of 4,000 flats. However, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) suspended the allocation of the flats pending an investigation over complaints submitted regarding the way the government had awarded points to the applicants.

The new administration has decided to review the flat list with a thorough consideration of the living conditions of the applicants in the selection process. It has also assured that individuals who received land and flats during the previous government will not face any adverse consequences.