
ACC to establish anti-corruption academy

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has revealed plans to establish a specialised academy dedicated to providing training in the fight against corruption.

The academy's primary goal is to deliver education and training essential for combating corruption effectively, according to the ACC. The academy also aims to contribute to the anti-corruption effort by conducting research in the field and fostering awareness within society.

The ACC has announced that the official launch of the academy is planned to coincide with International Anti-Corruption Day. The commission stated that courses are currently under development and are in the process of being submitted for accreditation. Initially, the academy will offer certificate level 4 courses and diploma level courses. The commission also envisions expanding the range of courses in the future, encompassing levels from certificates to master's degrees.

The initiative marks a significant milestone as it establishes the first-ever academy in the Maldives dedicated to providing specialised training in the field of anti-corruption.