
Nine imams express interest in pursuing PhD

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has revealed that nine imams have so far expressed interest in pursuing a PhD with the assistance of the government.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has pledged to build a generation that reveres Islam. The new administration opened the opportunity for imams to pursue a PhD less than 24 hours after the President was sworn in.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Shaheem said the government is making efforts to send the imams to a PhD programme in Malaysia, Brunei, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Indonesia. He highlighted that Maldivian imams are well versed in Islamic jurisprudence, but they need to learn the innovate methods and ideas that other countries are using to increase public awareness on religious matters.

Additionally, Minister Shaheem said the government is formulating the regulations and plans to send the imams to study for their PhD. He assured that the Maldives will expand its religious initiatives in collaboration with other countries. He added that arrangements are being made to regularly maintain and renovate all mosques in the country.