
Schools open for second term

Schools have begun the second term of the academic year after a two-week holiday.

Students went on holiday on December 21 and schools have made arrangements to ensure that students are not inconvenienced when they return. The second term began with the national anthem at the schools, in accordance with the decision made by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu. As such, schools holding two sessions are required to begin each session with the national anthem.

President Muizzu made the decision to begin all school sessions with the national anthem as part of his administration's objective to foster love for the national anthem, the national flag, and instill a sense of nationalism among students. As such, the national anthem will be sung during assemblies at the start of each session in all schools, marking a commitment to revitalising nationalism, a key promise of the government.

The 2023-2024 academic year began on August 6 last year with more than 84,000 students. A total of 73,000 students enrolled in 216 government-run schools in the new academic year, out of which 25,000 students are in the Greater Male' Region.

The Ministry of Education aims to change the academic calendar after the government declared the last 10 days of Ramadan as public holidays and also aims to move the start of the academic year back to January. As such, the government is expected to change the conclusion of the second semester, currently set for June 13, and the start of the 2024 academic year, slated for July 31.