
Gov't plans Umrah tour for students under Risalat Programme 2024

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has announced that it will conduct a special Umrah tour for college and university students as a part of the 'Risalat Programme 2024'.

Speaking to PSM News, Assistant Director of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs Zeena Mohamed revealed that the ministry plans to arrange an Umrah tour for students enrolled in colleges and universities as an integral component of the programme. She emphasised that the Umrah tour aims to familiarise the younger generation with Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mutheeu Ismail Mohamed highlighted that the Umrah tour will not only be a recreational trip but will also incorporate educational segments. As such, he mentioned that the ministry will engage in discussions with Saudi Arabian authorities to integrate educational components into the tour.

Additionally, Deputy Minister Mutheeu said that students will have the opportunity to explore sites that are not typically accessible on public tours in collaboration with official agencies in Saudi Arabia. He clarified that the planned Umrah tour for this year's programme targets colleges and universities and student participation will be determined through a specific selection process established by the ministry.

The ministry outlined that the aim of the Risalat programme is to cultivate a generation devoted to Islam, fostering a society that prioritises the observance of the five obligatory prayers. In addition, the programme aims to build a generation that embraces the fundamental pillars of Islam, contributing to the formation of a united society.