
Gov't urges to verify before paying for Umrah trip

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs urged the public to verify whether the company is authoritised to facilitate Umrah pilgrimmate trips before making their payment.

The ministry issued a press release in response to complaints over unauthorised companies collecting advance fees from individuals interested in undertaking Umrah pilgrimages. It has conducted investigations into two specific companies engaging in the practice, namely Al Mash'ar Hajj and Umrah, as well as Wadi Hajj and Umrah.

Additionally, the ministry highlighted instances on social media where Maldivians are being charged for Umrah pilgrimages in violation of regulations and without ministry approval. Such actions are explicitly prohibited, and the ministry strongly advises against participating in such activities.

Furthermore, the ministry underscores that no company is permitted to charge individuals or entities without proper authorisation under the established regulations governing Umrah pilgrimages. Charging in advance for Umrah trips outside the designated permit period is deemed illegal. Companies are granted licenses for a consecutive two-year period, and the regulations expressly prohibit any individual from commercially organising Umrah journeys without the required permissions. Financial transactions with companies lacking authorisation for Umrah services are also prohibited. Violation of these regulations will result in accountability for any ensuing consequences.