
Most Criminal Court cases filed in 2023 in past three years

The Criminal Court has revealed that most cases in the last three years were filed in 2023.

According to the statistics, 68 more cases were filed at the Criminal Court in 2023 compared to 2022. A total of 786 cases were filed at the Criminal Court in 2022 while 854 cases were filed in 2022 and 773 cases were filed in 2021.

Additionally, the number of cases scheduled and concluded at the Criminal Court has decreased. As such, a total of 7,242 cases were scheduled for 2023 while 12,757 were scheduled for 2022 and 9,973 cases were scheduled for 2021.

In 2023, the Criminal Court concluded 497 cases while 1,096 cases were concluded in 2022 and 701 cases were concluded in 2021. The Criminal Court stated the number of scheduled and concluded cases decreased due to the ban on the use of some parts of the court building since February 22 last year.

The Criminal Court previously operated in two buildings, which are a four-storey building and a one-storey building. However, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) ordered the Criminal Court not to use part of the four-storey building due to its deteriorated state. The Criminal Court now uses the one-storey building.

The government has held talks with the Criminal Court this month to find a solution to the problem. The discussions also focused on expediting the work of the court, resolving cases quickly and resolving administrative difficulties.