
Two arrested over assault on PG detained for duration of trial

The Criminal Court has ordered the two individuals who were arrested over the assault on Prosecutor General (PG) Hussain Shameem to be detained for the duration of the trial.

At a press conference, Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau said that the two masked men who assaulted the PG have been identified and that the investigation has found that they had committed the assault after careful planning. He also said that further information cannot be disclosed as the investigation is ongoing.

Additionally, Commissioner Shujau said the MPS used all resources at its disposal to investigate the case after the incident and that two individuals were arrested shortly after the attack. He added that such incidents will always be investigated as serious cases and that the police service will not provide any opportunity for individuals to commit such acts.

While two individuals have been arrested so far, the MPS suspects that more may be involved. Therefore, an investigation is underway to uncover the motive for the attack and those behind it. The police service described the incident as an attack on one of the state branches and stated that it will use all means at its disposal to bring those behind the attack to justice. In addition, the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has heightened security for PG Shameem following the attack.