
President urges vigilance against foreign influence

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has urged the citizens of the country not to yield to the influence of mercenary foreign powers in his address on Martyrs’ Day. The President also conveyed his greetings on this significant occasion.

Martyrs' Day commemorates the death of Sultan Ali VI, a national hero and martyr, who valiantly fought against the Portuguese and lost his life on the battlefield in 1558. The Maldives began observing Martyrs' Day on the first day of the month of Shaʻban in the year 1400 in the Islamic calendar, corresponding to June 14, 1980.

Reflecting on Sultan Ali VI's sacrifice, in his address on Martyrs’ Day, President Dr. Muizzu highlighted the lessons it imparts to the people of the Maldives. He underscored how this historical event revealed instances of selfishness and betrayal within the local population, illustrating the cunning tactics of foreign forces. Despite the Portuguese occupation initially instigated by a local individual, it ultimately brought no benefit, and Allah led to the triumph of truth, he underscored.

The President emphasised the importance of continually reminding the nation about the sacrifices made by heroes in the face of foreign oppression. Sultan Ali VI's unwavering faith, love, courage, and loyalty to the country exemplify the nobility that should be cherished and remembered.

Encouraging today's youth to draw lessons from Sultan Ali VI's sacrifice for the country, the President stated the need to avoid succumbing to the temptations of youthful recklessness that may compromise one's faith and allegiance to the country.

Acknowledging historical challenges faced by the Maldives, such as the spread of discord among citizens that allowed the Portuguese to enter Male', the President said the resilience of the ancestors who reclaimed the islands for the people. He stressed the importance of passing down these stories to the younger generation, instilling in them values that promote loyalty and national pride.

Similarly, the President reassured that the current government is committed to safeguarding the nation's independence and will not allow foreign powers to interfere. He pledged relentless efforts to uphold the freedom and sovereignty of the people.

In conclusion, the President's address resonated a call for loyalty to the country, reverence for religion, and allegiance to the state among the citizens.