
120ha of land reclaimed in Thilafushi

The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has announced the completion of the reclamation of designated areas under the second phase of the Thilafushi reclamation project.

HDC said the reclamation of four areas, namely, Area A, Area B, Area E, and Area F, has been completed, resulting in a total of 120 hectares of reclaimed land. Currently, efforts are focused on leveling the land from Area E.

HDC has stressed the collaborative effort between the corporation and China-based Harbor Engineering Company Limited for the execution of the second phase of the Thilafushi reclamation project.

HDC has also reiterated its commitment to adhering to government directives and completing crucial projects aimed at the development of the Maldives within specified timelines, ensuring maximum benefit to the populace at the earliest opportunity. Upon the completion of the development of the second phase of Thilafushi, land plots will be allocated to businesses for industrial and various other purposes.