
Previous gov't hindered Maldives' EEZ recovery: AGO

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has stated that the previous government's actions have significantly impeded efforts to reclaim the lost parts of the Maldives' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

In a statement, the AGO disclosed that it sought advice from King’s Counsel in the UK and a distinguished professor of maritime law from Malta. It reiterated that the findings presented by a specially appointed committee are grounded in the legal guidance received so far.

Additionally, the AGO criticised the prior administration for its mishandling of the initial stages of the dispute upon receiving notice of Mauritius' arbitration application regarding EEZ and Continental Shelf boundaries. It lamented the lack of measures taken to safeguard the Maldives' interests. The AGO said that the missteps have exacerbated the challenges in reclaiming the EEZ territory.

Furthermore, the AGO underscored that the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice', which influenced the ruling of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), holds no binding authority in international law. It highlighted expert opinions indicating the unsettled nature of the decision of ITLOS regarding Mauritius' claim to disputed waters, raising significant legal questions.

The AGO disclosed that the case is now under review by the Cabinet to determine the next course of action.