
Gov't selects 50 people to perform Hajj under presidential pledge

The government has chosen the first 50 individuals who will be granted the opportunity to perform the Hajj pilgrimage under the commitment of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu. President Dr. Muizzu pledged to sponsor the Hajj pilgrimage for 1,000 financially challenged individuals within the first five years of his term.

A ceremony at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs held a draw to select the initial 50 individuals given this opportunity. Additionally, a reserve list of 10 individuals was chosen in case any of the designated individuals were unable to undertake the pilgrimage due to unforeseen circumstances. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs mentioned that these individuals are between the ages of 50 and 69.

The ministry also stated that interviews were conducted with 982 potential candidates from the list of financially challenged individuals, and 667 were found eligible.

As per the regulations, individuals under the age of 69 in good health will be chosen from the poor register. The state will cover the travel expenses for those from the atolls, as well as the costs associated with any health issues during the Hajj pilgrimage. The Maldives Hajj Corporation Limited will also manage the transportation arrangements for individuals.