
Within the past five years, ACC concluded most cases in 2023

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has released its annual report, revealing that 2023 marked the year with the highest number of cases investigated in the past five years.

According to the report, a total of 1,151 complaints were submitted to the ACC in 2023, with 742 cases officially registered. Among these cases, 365 were resolved at the preliminary stage.

Furthermore, the ACC concluded investigations on 220 cases during the year, while 786 cases remained pending at the preliminary investigation phase's conclusion. These cases covered a range of issues including procurement, employment, land and housing matters, among others.

At the end of the year, 999 cases remained pending, while 358 cases were resolved. Additionally, cases investigated by the Commission undergo duty prosecution with the Prosecutor General's Office before potential prosecution. In the past two years, 61 duty prosecution cases were conducted, with 40 filed in 2023 alone.

An important milestone noted in the report was the ACC's first survey of public perceptions of corruption conducted in 2023. This initiative will guide efforts to coordinate anti-corruption measures effectively.

The ACC also introduced procedural changes in 2023 aimed at expediting and enhancing the quality of investigations. Overall, the ACC deemed 2023 a successful year, reflecting its ongoing commitment to combatting corruption effectively.