
Freedom of Press essential to disseminate credible information

The World Press Freedom Day, annually observed on May 3, serves to address the significant challenges encountered by journalists in acquiring and disseminating accurate information on current affairs, while ensuring the visibility of these obstacles by the government. This year marks the celebration of the 30th World Press Freedom Day, following the United Nations (UN)'s decision to celebrate this day annually, in 1993.

With advancements in technology, accessing information on any subject has become incredibly convenient, often just a matter of seconds. Yet, amidst these advancements, the reliability and the credibility of the information still rely on the field of journalism. Journalists carry a huge responsibility of disseminating valid information, ensuring the public remains up-to-date. The freedom of expression and safety of journalists play a pivotal role in ensuring the provision of credible information. However, the media's credibility has been undermined by political influence and various forms of corruption, impacting both the effectiveness of journalists and the quality of the information they provide.

Observing the obstacles faced by media outlets, it becomes evident that financial constraints are among the most prevalent challenges they face. As the number of private media organisations continuous to increase, none remain financially independent following the payments made for rent and other expenses. Aiming to resolve obstructions encountered by the media, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has initiated several efforts upon assuming office. As such, decisions have been such that media companies receive a portion of the government's budget with a target to encourage media outlets to be financially independent. Additionally, efforts are underway to develop a Media Village to manage the administrative bodies of the media.

The safety and well-being of journalists are essential to provide credible information to the public. Recently, cases of anonymous threats towards the media surfaced, despite such cases being relatively low. Such cases must be taken seriously, as the ensuring the security and safety of journalists is the responsibility of the government. The current administration has reiterated its commitment to supporting the media and ensuring the safety of journalists by pledging to exert maximum efforts in this regard.

Reporters Without Borders has revealed the Maldives had been ranked at the 100th level in the World Press Freedom Index in 2023. This index was a drop of 13 levels in comparison to 2022. Hence, the Maldives is required to exert efforts to improve the situation, ensuring the freedom of expression and the protection of journalists.