
MMC stresses journalists' climate change role

President of the Maldives Media Council (MMC) Ahmed Musthafa highlighted journalists' responsibility in raising awareness about climate change during his address commemorating World Press Freedom Day. This year's theme, "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis," set by UNESCO, underscores the global environmental challenges and the role of journalists in addressing them.

Mustafa emphasised the alarming rise in global sea levels and its direct threat to the Maldives, urging journalists to create awareness about climate change and its implications for both the environment and economy. Despite legal guarantees of press freedom, Musthafa noted persistent challenges faced by media and journalists, emphasising the irreparable loss to journalism when justice is denied.

Additionally, he urged journalists and media outlets to uphold credibility by avoiding the dissemination of false information and remaining free from influence. Musthafa stressed the importance of achieving financial independence for Maldivian journalists at both national and individual levels, as it enables them to continue reporting with honesty and responsibility.

Assuring support, Musthafa pledged the Media Council's ongoing efforts to advocate for the media and journalists' welfare, emphasizing the importance of their continued dedication to truthful and responsible journalism.