
Children of Gaza deprived of rights must be remembered

Children are considered to be the hopes and the pride of the nation, as the development and the future of the country, entirely attribute to the children's well-being and success. Hence, it is extremely significant that children must have a good upbringing and made educationally, intellectually and practically competent, ensuring their rights are protected at all costs.

In the Maldives, education is a basic right which is guaranteed by the law. The Child Rights Protection Act implemented since 2020, ensure that all children are provided with the required care and protection. Under this act, children are given the freedom of expression and the right to protection from sexual harassment as well.

Although the Maldives ensures the protection of children and their rights, there are several children deprived of their basic rights all over the world. The innocent children of Palestine who are enduring the ongoing genocide serve as an illustration of children who have been deprived of their rights.

Since October 7, several Palestinian children have lost their lives following the inhuman aggressive attacks of Israel on the people of Gaza. While the list of martyrdoms continues to increase exponentially, this includes over 25,000 women and innocent children. These staggering figures indicate the children of Gaza are deprived of the right to live.

Additionally, various other basic rights of children have also been withheld from the Palestinian children including the right to food, the right to a clean and safe environment and the right to education as well. Efforts are underway by numerous organisations and individuals providing them humanitarian aid, to ensure the children of Palestine receive the rights they deserve.

Observations indicate that although the Child Rights Protection Act has been implemented in the Maldives since 2020, the rights of children are still not fully protected. The latest statistics publicised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development stipulates that various cases of children have been submitted every month. These include several cases of sexual harassment and emotional abuse as well.

While commemorating World Children's Day, it is important to give care, have compassion and ensure that the right of the children are protected by the society.