
Minister encourages participation of women in economic development

Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has emphasised the importance of increasing women empowerment during the decision-making processes, aiming to accelerate economic development. The remarks were made by the minister, during the inaugural ceremony of the Asia-Pacific Blue Economy Forum.

The forum held in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is scheduled for a period of two days and will take place in Villa Nautica. The forum is a significant event attended by countries listed in the Climate Finance Network of UNDP. As such, this prestigious event was attended by over 100 representatives of 12 various countries.

Speaking at the forum, Minister Saeed underscored the utmost priority given by the government's developmental agenda to embark on developmental projects sustainably, without adversely affecting the environment. The minister additionally requested to hold discussions in three specific fields, interconnected with the development of the nation. As such, he stressed the significance of addressing challenges encountered to seek financial assistance from international organisations for environmental protection, facilitating access to financial aid for countries requiring support and ensuring easy access to finance to promote and assist small and medium enterprises.

Furthermore, Minister Saeed stressed the significance of collaborative efforts for the development and progress of the nation. Observing the lack of women involved in the decision-making process for development, the minister urged this issue to be resolved. He stated that the participation of women is bound to accelerate the economic development of the nation.

While the Maldives is set to co-host the forum, the forum will be held with joint-efforts of the ministry, UNDP and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the United Kingdom.