
With big projects, the stalled pace of gov't development increased

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has been one of the most practical leaders in implementing major structural projects in the country. It is an indisputable fact that after assessing the ability of his work, the leadership was handed over to President Dr. Muizzu because he had high hopes for the development of the country.

President Dr. Muizzu has proved well that he will work to fulfill the expectations of the citizens for development during the last six months since he took office on November 17. The brightest proof of this is the priority given by the government of President Dr. Muizzu to start major projects as soon as possible without postponing them until the end of the term.

The biggest disappointment of the citizens in the previous governments was trying to start major projects near the end of their terms. These projects have not brought any real benefit to the people. However, President Muizzu's government is trying to bring the sweetness of development to the people instead of showing them the bottle.

President Dr. Muizzu has already started work on major structural development projects among the 161 pledges he made in the first 14 weeks of his administration. His top priority when he took office was to study the works that had been started and those that had been stalled and to restart them at a rapid pace.

President Dr. Muizzu personally inspected the two most important projects for the economy of the country at the moment, the new passenger terminal at the Velana International Airport (VIA) and the bridge connecting Male' City, Villimale', Gulhifalhu and Thilafushi. As a result, the works have gone backwards and the projects are now being carried out at the speed required by the people.

The two priorities of President Muizzu's government are housing and strengthening the air transport system in the Maldives. The largest housing project in the Greater Male Region, Ras Male', will be developed by the government in the second month. The project alone includes more than 35,000 houses including land and flats. Dredging of 1,153 hectares of land required for the project has already started. The last government had also accelerated the works under the supervision of the Gulhifalhu and Giraavarufalhu projects which were not completed.

President Dr. Muizzu has issued a resolution announcing 12 airports to be developed by the government. So far, he has started the development of six domestic airports and three international airport projects in various stages.

A Chinese company has been awarded the contract to develop Kadhdhoo Airport in Laamu Atoll, to international standards. In addition, a Thailand company has been awarded the contract to develop the Thinadhoo Airport in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, as a new international airport. An agreement has been signed with a Belgian company to develop an international airport in Villingili, Gaafu Alifu Atoll. Survey and feasibility studies of these projects are currently underway. Addu City has also started the long awaited Addu Bridge project. The survey and design works of the Hithadhoo-Hulhumeedhoo bridge have been awarded to an Egyptian company.

Major infrastructure development projects have also been launched. One of the tasks is economic zones and bunkering facilities. The term sheet for the Ihavandhippolhu bunkering project has been signed with a foreign company while a Chinese company has been awarded the contract to start the bunkering facility with a maritime hub in Laamu Atoll. The projects also include cruise terminals and tourism components. This will significantly increase foreign exchange and tax revenue.

The government has changed its decision to develop the Male' Commercial Harbour in Gulhifalhu and moved the project to Gulhifalhu. This project has also been promised in several previous governments but has not yet been implemented. In addition, he has started planning and administrative works for the development of education, health and sports.

The government aims to implement many projects in line with the vision of the new government by the end of its five-year term. There is no doubt that the government of President Dr. Muizzu has proved to the people in the last six months that resuming the stalled development work and accelerating the pace of development is the top priority.