
First shipment of goods transported via Sea-to-Air Cargo service

The transportation of goods have commenced through the recently inaugurated Sea-to-Air Cargo Transshipment services, marking a significant milestone. Transshipment facilities involve the transportation of goods between countries and delivering them to various destinations by air transportation means.

The services commenced with joint collaborations with Maldives Airport Company Limited (MACL), Maldives State Shipment (MSS), and Turkish Airlines during a special signing ceremony held on March 28. The primary objective of introducing the service is to shorten the duration involved in shipping merchandise by sea and provide prompt assistance. Regarding the services, MPL expressed confidence that the transshipment services introduced would have a positive impact on the economy, including increased revenue.

Previously, sea-to-air transshipment services were provided to Turkish Airlines by Sri Lanka. During the signing ceremony, the airline discussed plans to collaborate to establish the Maldives as a prominent destination for Sea-to-Air transshipment services. It additionally emphasised the need for a hub capable of meeting airlines' demands, with the aim of shifting operations from Sri Lanka to the Maldives.

With the commencement of the transshipment services, MPL highlighted the key benefit of increased flights to various countries resulting from this service, typically offered by foreign countries to expedite the export process. This Hybrid Model, provided in collaboration with MACL and other international airlines, aims to meet demands within the commercial industry efficiently. The company revealed plans to introduce the services to additional airlines as well.